Most ladies would love to look their best during an event or celebration by putting on luxurious clothes with matching accessories that make them more outstanding. They choose pieces of jewelry that could either be made of gold or silver with the finest stones that can surely catch one’s attention. Well, if you can manage to buy them from the most prestigious or well-known shops, then you will surely get what you deserve and take note that price doesn’t always matter as long as it suits your character.

When a lady decided to wear a long gown for an important occasion, I guess a moissanite tennis necklace would be great because this makes someone’s day perfect. The icy look of the stones will blind you with their beauty but these will never let you down since authentic sellers passed every diamond tester. So be very sure that you are only purchasing such a luxurious necklace from trustworthy and certified sellers in the area because it would be tough to know what’s real or fake without expertise

Anyway, aside from the expensive necklace, you may also want to put on a pair of moissanite studs of your preferred earring stone size because this would look great on a fine event, too. However, sizes are not the only factors to be considered when purchasing stud earrings and as a buyer, you should know well how to choose the one that suits your style. I supposed you should learn more about the important things when it comes to choosing the right moissanite stud that you will use on a certain event.


When it comes to sizes, you will usually base it on the carat weight so it may range between 0.25 to 2.0 total carat weight or CTW. Now if you will buy a pair weighing 2.0 CTW, this means that per piece would be 1.0 CTW – look at https://www.gemsociety.org/article/standard-gem-sizes-chart/ for more details. I supposed you know how much your ear can carry so don’t choose something that would be too heavy because that might bring discomfort.


We cannot say which size is good because the choice will always depend on the person who is going to wear it. As a lady, you have unique preferences and tastes that’s why you have to look at different styles, some of you might want a smaller one, while others prefer bigger studs. Anyway, you can also buy a set so that you can choose one based on the occasion but if you will be using it every day, then you better go with small sizes.

Moissanite sizes are usually gauged using the length so it is measured in millimeters. For example, a 6.5mm stone could be very close to 1 carat. For some people, they would be the same but keep in mind that moissanite is lighter by 10 percent.

Cut and Shape

This will determine how attractive the earring would be so how it is cut or shaped can be a great influence on the buyers. This will also help on how this stone will sparkle and appear brighter or larger but when the way it was cut is poor, then it might look smaller, gloomier, or darker. The shape can be customized because there are individuals who want a different style, though you can find popular ones in a round, emerald, or princess shapes and they may look like diamonds, too – find here how diamonds differ.

Simple designs, such as emerald or rectangular cuts are popular among different types of colorful stones and you don’t just find them on earrings but with pendants or rings as well. Unlike classic round cuts, only the corners of the emerald are curved but it is designed with an inside step to create a reflecting effect. Another fantastic cut that many people prefer is the round shape because it comes with a variety of surfaces in even form.

We also have the well-known princess or square cut which is designed with sharp corners to provide a sparkling setting. I guess putting them on will surely catch attention not only because it is twinkling like a star in the sky. But as an individual who wears them on a special occasion, this earring will not only show how it is beautifully shaped but also reflects how modest the person is.